About The Brand

As a teen, I enjoyed wearing the latest and most luxurious fashion. My mentor/pastor noticed that I enjoyed wearing luxury clothing brands and pulled me aside and said man won't you do some research on the brands you wear and the people who own them. After doing my research, I was wowed by what I had uncovered. I realized that the symbols in clothing and the owners behind the brands were into a lot of ungodly things. To make a long story short Rep The Faith was born. One thing God continues to impress upon me is the fact that we need to be aware of the things we cover ourselves with. Here at Rep The Faith we want to provide our clients with Luxury Content that they will be unashamed to wear and represent. But we do not want our clients just to wear or brand, we want them to actually live a Godly lifestyle. This is the reason we promote ourselves as a LIFESTYLE BRAND. 

THE WHY - The reason we do this is to push Kingdom Culture here on earth. We want to live the lifestyle that the Bible tells us to live. We want to feed the poor, help the needy, preach to the gentile, and build up the youth. We do this through various events that we hold annually. We want to build heaven on earth just like the daily prayer tells us.